Financial Support:
- A monthly allowance of 16000 INR for the duration of the programme to meet your living expenses.
- A monthly allowance of 2000 INR for the duration of the programme to meet your transport expenses.
- A monthly allowance of 1000 INR for the duration of the programme to meet your project related expenses.
- A readjustment allowance of 90000 INR upon successful and satisfactory completion of the Fellowship.
- The cost of the return 3AC fare from your residence to the project site location as well as expenses incurred on traveling for training programmes.
- You will be covered by a medi claim policy.
Other Support:
- You will be assisted by the local NGO staff to find suitable accommodation with safety in mind.
- The partner NGO will also arrange for necessary medical attention when needed.
- A dedicated provision for language support will be provided at the location.
- An SBI Youth for India team member will be available for overall support & guidance.
- Mentorship by experienced professionals in the field.
- Access to the community through well-established Partner NGOs
- Linkages with premier organisations of the country.